Thursday, March 5, 2015

Everybody wants a Cardboard Box!

You know, Thursdays are pretty ordinary for me! At the dealership, there isn't much that goes on. That's why we schedule half of the sales people their day off on Thursdays. Thursdays can get long and drawn out. A slow day, kind of like watching a pot boil, though a pot boils sooner than anything happens here on a Thursday, LOL!  It's just kind of boring, even depressing.

"Woo Hoo!" my daughter exclaims from the other room. "Yay! Wee!" she continues on. At this point, I figure, she has got to be getting into trouble. I go back to check on her and she is tumbling around in a larger box that I had placed back there. To be honest, I don't remember what she made the box out to be, a roller-coaster or swimming pool, but I know that she was having the time of her life! I mean, it was just a box! A pretty ordinary box at that. There wasn't even colorful attractive printing on the outside! Yet, for some reason, for her, it was the most extraordinary thing in the house!

How is that possible?  How can something so ordinary become so extraordinary?

It's all a matter of perspective. How we look at the cardboard box determines the value and therefore the excitement of it. My daughter chose to view that as something more than just an ordinary box. She used her imagination and looked at it with a new perspective!

You can do it too!

We have a problem and it is socially an epidemic. We have words for the negative thoughts running through our heads and that seems to make it acceptable to address things as such. "Ordinary" is one that is part of this plague. We can go through life, looking at the "ordinary" as blah, mundane, and even annoying. A rainy day, for example, I look at so many times as dreary and annoying. Rain, however viewed as ordinary, really is extraordinary! The cycle of water evaporating, rising to the sky and then falling on the earth is amazing when you really think about it. In ancient culture, before smart phones and blogs :), rain was exciting and even praised! Their ability to live was determined by the rain cycles and therefore their perspective was different then you and I.

When we stop and think about it, things change!

The man made tools, vehicles, fixtures and shelters become amazing and ingenious works of science and art! The natural becomes supernatural! The ordinary becomes extraordinary! The cardboard box becomes a space ship, time machine, Jacuzzi!

You can do it and I guarantee it will change your day ... your week ... your life!

Now ... Don't you want a cardboard box?

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